This is it! Today is the day! After a couple of z's, a church service and a double check of all my luggage, I am headed down to Birmingham! Well, actually, I am headed to Detroit to catch a Greyhound to Nashville where I will be transferring to another Greyhound bus that will take me to Birmingham.Whew!
This summer I am working with an organization called YouthWorks. One of the purposes of YouthWorks is to build up the church by building up its youth. This summer I will be on a team of 4 that will organize service projects for youth groups from all around the country. My specific job is to start the day with the kids leading devotions and end the day with "Club" -or chapel, if you will. The last couple weeks I've been working on the talks for Club and I am soooooo excited for God to use me to minister to these kids! This year's theme is about being different for God- in our beliefs, actions, reactions and in our love. Just reading the passages we'll be going through this summer has gotten me pumped to lead these kids!
So... starting Monday afternoon I begin orientation (or RAMP- Regional and Area Missions Preparation) and from what I've been told it is going to be an incredibly busy week. I'd love to update again on this, or even post a facebook status, but it might not happen. In fact, they've told us that phone calls might not be probable either.
After this intense week, I head to Tennessee with my team for the rest of the summer. We'll first have a week of prep and then the following week youth groups start coming!
This is going to be a crazy and intense summer and if you'd like to partner in prayer with me that would be absolutely wonderful! Here are some specifics you can be praying about right now:
1) Unity amongst my team
2) Safety when traveling to Birmingham and then again to Tennessee
3) Energy and focus- even when I am so so tired
Thanks so much! I will try to update as often as I can (which will probably be once a week b/c we really only get Saturdays off...)
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